Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Blackboard Site Critique

Now, this is an assignment that I have some interest in. I realize that putting together a website as complicated and with as many links as the NYU Home website has to be a daunting task. In the beginning I found that it was not so easily navigated, some things were very hard to find. For example, the Albert registration was kind of hidden to me. It's such an important system to be able to access and the link is just not so clear. Once you know where to look you are fine, but until then, you are kind of feeling around in the dark. The other problem I have with it is that I get so many system error messages. Sometimes, I am trying to get work done for this very class and am unable to do so because the system gives only error messages. It can become very frustrating.

I do very much like the way that the blackboard system is set up. It is very organized and it is a great way to stay connected with all of the information necessary in each class. That said, the problem again arises when you start receiving so many error messages. I often have a very hard time getting documents that have been posted for class readings to open up. I don't know if that is a problem with my computer or not but it can be very difficult.

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